Companies recognize that delivering a great Employee Experience (EX) that considers and puts its employees first is the key to unlocking better business outcomes. From higher productivity and improved ‘stickiness’ when attracting and retaining talented employees to the ultimate reward of an engaged workforce – higher customer satisfaction and loyalty; EX plays a critical role in your business’s success.
My name is Glyn, and I have 20 years of experience measuring and building great employee experiences.
Building great employee experiences requires management to consider four key steps.
Prioritizing the attributes employees value most, like leadership, empowerment, and development. Employees want the company they work for to stand for values integral to its reputation, diversity and inclusion, and sustainability.
Determine the measurements that provide actionable insights. Although annual employee surveys and willingness to recommend an employer can be useful for capturing a ‘snapshot’ of an employee’s feelings, it does not provide a holistic understanding of engagement. Without a tangible link between measurements and results, it’s difficult to draw cohesive, actionable insights that will make a difference in the employee experience. Instead, holding regular performance-based discussions is effective for relationship building and helps employees feel more engaged, happier, and confident, leading to increased productivity and data with actionable insights.
Avoid non-evidence-based tactics that are believed to enhance the employee experience. Que the pizza party calendar invite. This spontaneous approach can cause further problems, both employees feeling misunderstood and channeling resources ineffectively. A key starting point for developing an effective EX strategy is understanding employee emotions, their ideal wants, and needs, then adopting practicable and mutually beneficial practices for employees and employers.
Create a consistent standard method of communication where priorities, values, and best practices are addressed. With many staff working remotely and organizations moving to more project-based working styles, company silos can appear overnight. Having a consistent form of communication with all staff can bridge the gap across multiple channels and bring a more mindful understanding of how employees work best.
To learn more about the Maru Employee Experience solution, read the whitepaper.